Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Saddam’s leading Nuke physicist heads Qatar’s tech tank

BC -

Dr. Amir Al Saadi – head of the infamous Saddam’s military industries (Tashgheel Al-Askari) and a leading authority in Iraqi’s past nuclear research and development, is heading yet another a high governmental research and development institute located 60 Kilometers from one of the largest US bases in the Gulf (Adeed Base) and that is in the state of Qatar.

Dr. Al Saadi was the first high ranked Iraqi official to surrender to the invaders a day after the fall of Baghdad. His surrender was witness-filmed by a German TV station and then he was taken to Baghdad Airport prison. His wife – German native – rigorously and adamantly brokered a deal with the invaders, through the help of the German government, for the release her husband.

In 2006 Dr. Al-Saadi was flown out of the Baghdad Airport prison to an unknown destination and later he was re-surfaced as the head of a science and research development center in Qatar, which is run by the owner of Al-Jazeera TV station, Sheikha Moza – the First Lady of Qatar.

Dr. Al Saadi was prominent for his life style sophistication. His Victorian English accent and his love for delicatessen food and classical music amongst other delights had well-placed him in Baghdad's social avant-garde – when there was one.

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