Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cash Advance for a good guffaw

BC -

Our jolly government never seizes to amaze the general public in finding ways to exclusively bail itself out in the midst of this madness. In fact, this government will pass as one of the survivalist institutions in modern history after the fall of Berlin.

Just last week our finance minister approved a release of cash advance worth of USD 14,000 for every MP and to be deducted from their salaries during the next 36 months. BC knows very well that those MPs could use that cash after returning emptied-pocket from their summer vacationing, which apparently they needed so badly after serving their country for a little over 4 months!! As one male MP said ‘everywhere is getting expensive’

Conversely, the Iraqi citizens who served their country for the last 15 years could only get cash advance of USD 2,000 and those who served for 10 years could get a mere USD 1000 Also, they need a consigner - a wealthy person, to get their cash advance approved! The majority ends up not getting it.

One silly note, those who served a few months on the Governing Counsel have been granted a life-time generous retirement!

Perhaps this is one reason why we hear the MPs heavy laughter during the televised sessions. Honestly, Iraqis have no idea what the hell these PMs are laughing about. Are they laughing at those other MPs how got their seats through the lottery? Because in today’s Iraq MPs should contemplate resigning, questioning the merits of democracy if there are any left. Instead we hear them saucily and flippantly laughing. We know the head of the communist party could even laugh at a buzzing fly. Mr. Al Hakim does it when he wants to elude a situation and the grand laugh echoes when Mr. President passes around to imprint kisses on the MPs cheeks. Is it a staged PR amplification by the invaders, because the noise gets louder on TV?

And while the goblins are, light-heartedly, offering each other gifts and money and chortle nonchalantly the Iraqi out there is seething with rage. We hardly can get out to run some errands. On top of that some ministries have the audacity to threaten their employees to have them fired or released without indemnity if they stopped showing up at work! Thousands of employees can’t turn up at work because on the way they might get pulled over and receive a bullet right through the eye instead of a cash advance.

The other day a sect-person told BC: think of the pros and cons if the Takfiris ever blew up the GZ!! … I guess in every tragedy there is unruly comedy.

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